“Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill on Monday shared a May 2020 post on X (then known as Twitter) from Taylor Swift in which the pop star ripped then-President Donald Trump and said he’d be voted out in that year’s election.
The post “has aged remarkably well,” wrote Hamill.
“Especially the ‘We will vote you out in November’ part,” he added.
Swift’s full post read, “After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November.”
It was in response to Trump’s slamming of people who were protesting the death of George Floyd as “thugs” and his threats of violent intervention in the demonstrations against systemic racism.
Swift also tagged the then-president.
Hamill’s re-post of Swift’s comment went viral and garnered more than 1 million views in its first eight hours on X.
Swift has in recent weeks become the subject of a baseless right-wing conspiracy theory that she is a Democratic operative whose relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce is a psyop that is solely aimed at propelling President Joe Biden back into the White House.
Trump, meanwhile, has claimed he made Swift “so much money” and argued she’d be “disloyal” if she supported Biden, like she did in 2020.
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